Delta Will’s colorful, ripe, and thought-provoking “Nothing Is Enough” combines far-out animation with a far-in philosophy.
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What do an ancient console TV, fireworks, vintage photos, Greek sculpture, airplanes, sunflowers, fish, astronauts, monkeys and hot air balloons have in common? If you guessed that they’re all part of the collage-style animation in Delta Will’s new video for “Nothing Is Enough,” premiering here on Atwood Magazine, you would be correct!
Watch: “Nothing Is Enough” – Delta Will
Retro guitar pop anthem “Nothing Is Enough” is the first single released off Delta Will’s three-part album series, entitled “Multitudes” (I, II, III). These albums are a result the band’s year long collaboration with engineer and mentor, Sandro Perri. Representing the different genres Delta Will fuse – from psych-pop and soul, to subdued chamber folk and back around to electro-pop – the saying “it’s in there” could definitely be used to describe Delta Will’s musicality. The video for “Nothing is Enough” is another example of their versatility.

Delta Will express themselves through any form of music that moves them. Rather than being defined by a genre, Delta Will are defined by their ability to set their lyrics dancing to any form of music that feels right and good and complete. Founded by Charles Tilden in his bedroom studio, Delta Will released their debut EP, Transcendental Visits in 2012, sophomore EP It All Glows in 2013, and their first full-length album, Weathering, in 2016. Now a quartet including drummer Kevin Correia and multi-instrumentalists Brandon Johns and Milan Schramek, Delta Will have “found their voice by combining warm, organic sounds of the past with swirling electronic flourishes to create an engaging portrait of the now.” A band of explorers who allow one project to lead them to the next… and again to the next, they will never finish exploring what can be achieved – which brings us back to their song, “Nothing is Enough,” the philosophy behind its lyrics, and the whimsical video that will make you smile while considering the meaning of it all.
The great Greek philosopher Epicurus said, “Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little.” Granted, that’s assuming the definition of enough is an amount that fully meets demands, needs or expectations. However, for Epicurus’s man, the only expectations or needs are defined by his own scale, and do not imply the end of a project, rather the beginning of another. Which, after exploring Delta Will’s music and watching busts of Greek men float around in their video, could very well be their philosophy as well.
Honey you are possessed with something
And that something is to blame
Quit looking at the Jones’
And admit you’re not the same
As Delta Will tell Atwood Magazine, “Nothing is Enough” explores “the unrealistic expectations we set for ourselves.” Perhaps this is referring to (and disagreeing with) the confining idea that we must always stay inside the box or genre that we chose at some point in life – even if it no longer fits. Or maybe, they are expressing how it feels to stretch towards the lofty goals set by overly optimistic do-ers, like themselves. Knowing Delta Will, they mean both.
Floating gracefully from one big idea to the next, like big TVs in the sky, Delta Will continue, “The song gives glimpses into our modern obsession with staring at screens, screens that constantly feed our wants and desires.” Wants and desires that push us to set lofty goals and feel like “nothing we do ever feels like it’s enough to bring us happiness.”

You’re glued to the TV
I’m just acting tough
I’m staring at the walls instead
Thinking nothing is enough
Nothing is enough
Joining forces with Packed Lunch animator, Mike Pereira, Delta Will have created “a video that illustrates these themes in a playful satirical manner.” Watching a cornucopia of strategically chosen cut-outs twirling and floating around one another, it’s clear that this video was “definitely somewhat inspired by Terry Gilliam’s fantastical Monty Python animations.” Colorful and ripe with thought provoking images, the video for “Nothing is Enough” is like a philosophically inspired choose your own adventure, exploring different concepts and telling many stories all at the same time. Set to a soundtrack full of sparkly guitars and bouncy base lines while swimming in a puddle of resonant vocal harmonies. It’s so good, you will never have enough.
Watch: “Nothing Is Enough” – Delta Will
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? © Kira May video by Mike Pereira