Annalisa’s ‘E POI SIAMO FINITI NEL VORTICE’ is an LP that inspires you to inhabit different versions of your self and newly found rhythms within your own being, as we stand before the beauty that Annalisa Scarrone is creating in music.
I arrived in the Santa Lucia train station in Venezia on an early December afternoon, and immediately descended into an impregnable fog and translucent rain that only made one feel they had arrived into an alternative world through a portal where existence could indeed be reimagined.
We cascaded from the Santa Lucia train station and only became buoyed within our own weightlessness as we drifted through a universe without automobiles which seemed like the world should always have been. As we became ensconced within a month-long stay in a wondrous apartment in a hidden enclave in Cannaregio, we began to feel the fabric of existence as Annalisa’s ‘Bellissima’ ascended throughout the sound-waves of Venezia in permeating the calli, bars, and osterias. I was utterly entranced with one song that became the singular soundtrack of a month-long stay in Venezia.
In Roma, Annalisa’s “Belissima” was also there leaping from the shops of Via del Tritone, echoing amidst the splendor of Piazza di Spagna, and even briefly reappearing on the Italo train from Roma to Venezia. A song that held the promise of a beautiful life, and a rhythm that remained absorbed within your being for months on end.

As one emerges from Santa Lucia train station, or as one glides into the Grand Canal of Venezia from the airport, you are immediately struck with a tireless astounding beauty that is unfounded in human experience, as the city soars across the centuries.
You stand and absorb as the beauty aches across your consciousness and being. The collecting of one’s self amidst the endless wonder of Venezia takes time as you begin the descent into the beauty of bridges and portals that lead to new ways of reflecting on your own journey in life. As one walks the calli in Venezia in winter there is a certain shared resonant intimacy between people as the immersive beauty creates a different type of existential awareness as infinity appears as a mirage within one’s grasp. In a manner of speaking, this is to suggest that the regular degrees of distance between strangers become more translucent in exposing one’s interior self in more comfortable ways. This realm is the precise register of Annalisa’s music.
When you are in Venezia, you also begin at the edge of the world as you retrace the beginning of your self from the seeming first instance of earth itself. An echo of your being from the precipice of Santa Lucia through to the overwhelming awe of civilizations and lives past that haunts in the irremediable beauty of San Marco, and that is more so perhaps particularly found within the hidden corridors of Venezia that are so very individual and special as you experience your own moment within the ages of existence. I’m reminded of times with the closest of friends as we sauntered through the blackness of the back yet perfectly illuminated corridors of San Marco after the midnight hour and we all felt that perhaps we were approaching upon the most ultimate form of transcendence in being beyond time itself at the edge of the world in Venezia. Annalisa’s new album E POI SIAMO FINITI NEL VORTICE is also positioned at the edge of the world in the sense that it inspires how to live in the world more intensely in exposing the edges of self.

There have been many remarkable trajectories within Annalisa’s career, such as in the embodiment of the song “Amsterdam” on her album Nuda10, which captured another European city in a vividly searing manner. In this new album, Annalisa captures life and existence in a wonderful transnational humanistic gesture which implores her music on a global level.
It is in these scenarios, where I first found and heard the beauty of the majestic music of Annalisa Scarrone. With the release of her eighth new studio LP — E POI SIAMO FINITI NEL VORTICE on 29 September 2023, one can feel infinity within one’s own grasp as her sound and soul echoes across the world. Annalisa’s E POI SIAMO FINITI NEL VORTICE is an album that dynamically exudes warmth, inspiration, and familiarity in accompanying us on life’s journey.

Before the album release, our beings were levitated within the remarkable “Mon Amour” and the triumph of “Ragazza Sola” as both songs on this LP invited us to soar into different worlds through the majesty of her voice which delighted us to dance and feel the spirit of the ether.
As we begin our full immersion within the wonderful vision of this album, our beings will delight within the sounds and narratives of worlds that are created in such songs as ‘Euforia,’ ‘Rosso Corallo,’ ‘Bollicine,’ and ‘Indaco Violento.’ ‘Bollicine’ is a song to be adored in the risks of being, while ‘Indaco Violento’ questions the very vortex of our lives. “Euforia” captures the sweetness of melancholia, while “Rosso Corallo” speaks to the intensity and passion of relationships.
Annalisa’s E POI SIAMO FINITI NEL VORTICE is an LP that inspires you to inhabit different versions of your self and newly found rhythms within your own being as we stand before the beauty that Annalisa Scarrone is creating in music. Run through the calli of Venezia and beyond into the streets of Italy with Annalisa and find your own sense of the world as it perhaps should always have been founded.
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