Today’s Song: Sadye Explores the Pitfalls of Blind Faith in “Biblical”

Sadye © SJ Spreng
Sadye © SJ Spreng
Engaging in the never-ending cycle of toxicity, Sadye’s debut single “Biblical” is a pithy expression of steadily roiling angst and white-hot rage. As exquisite as it is wrathful, the track marks an extremely promising beginning for this up-and-coming singer-songwriter.
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Stream: “Biblical” – Sadye

Don’t let the title of the single deceive you; this track is no holy scripture or ecclesiastical profession of faith.

Biblical” is instead a dynamic submission to vice; a declaration of undying devotion to a relationship with ruinous implications.

Biblical - Sadye
Biblical – Sadye
Twist the truth
Yeah you speak in tongues
I know you
Hate yourself
So you take me down
Let you do it
I’m lonely
I take the bad
To get the good
From you
I use you and you punish me

Released today (May 4) via vnclm_ and Atlantic Records, “Biblical” marks Sadye’s musical debut — and an extremely promising one at that. Putting an edgy, angst-filled spin on the alt-pop genre, the musician weaves narratives centering life’s darkest moments tinged with hedonistic delirium. With a penchant for penning an earworm, Sadye lets these bleak themes ruminate over punchy, sultry instrumentals; proving that this rising star is a force to be reckoned with.

Sadye © SJ Spreng
Sadye © SJ Spreng

Within “Biblical” Sadye has found herself stuck in a deeply troubling situation; the melody purveys a narrative of “going back to someone you know is bad for you over and over again,” Sadye shares. “Yes, I’m caught in this person’s web, but maybe I know exactly what I’m doing.”

Hurt me like it’s biblical
Blind faith
I’m back for more
I can’t leave it alone
Heart is bleeding out
Yeah you hurt me like it’s biblical
I’m back for more
I can’t leave it alone
Hurt me like you do
Like it’s biblical
Don’t go easy on me
Like it’s biblical

In returning to this relationship, Sadye mentally prepares herself for a world of pain. Her wispy vocals echo over thundering bass lines as she sings, “Hurt me like it’s biblical / Blind faith / I’m back for more / I can’t leave it alone / Hurt me like you do.”

Sadye not only finds herself retreating back into the embrace of the arms that had previously hurt her, but realizes that she enjoys it. Pain has become her new normal, and she is more than happy to give herself over to emotional purgatory, discovering unlikely solace in dysfunction and chaos.

The musician likens her experiences to those of an unwitting disciple who follows an idol blindly and without question — but with Sadye there’s a twist: she knows exactly what’s in store. Assuming a role akin to that of the betraying Judas, Sadye does not see herself as a victim; she’s fully aware of the games at play. Though, two can play at this game — she cunningly reveals that she, too, has a couple of tricks up her sleeve. After all, everything is fair in love and war.

Ruin me with your prophecies
So sadistic
I know you
Wanna keep me locked in
Purgatory on my knees
Let you do it
I’m lonely
I take the bad
To get the good
From you
I use you and you punish me
Sadye © SJ Spreng
Sadye © SJ Spreng

I take the bad / To get the good / From you / I use you and you punish me / Emotionally,” she croons, more than willing to be manipulated over and over again if it means getting some semblance of affection out of this person — anything is better than being alone. Even if love starts to feel more like a punishment than a reward, you can count Sadye in for the long haul.

And thus, with larger-than-life bravado and seemingly effortless flair, Sadye successfully “turned [her] ugly broken heart into a hot pop song.”

Hurt me like it’s biblical
Blind faith
I’m back for more
I can’t leave it alone
Hurt me like you do
Don’t go easy on me (don’t go)
Like it’s biblical
Don’t go easy on me (don’t go)
Like it’s biblical

As mind-numbingly catchy as it is masochistic, “Biblical” acts as a public service announcement of sorts, warning listeners of the dangers of falling back into toxic habits and relationships. Sadye adeptly walks listeners through the nuanced thought processes that come in tandem with unhealthy relationship dynamics, hoping that her lyrics will speak to those who are in need of a little wake-up call, and get them up on their feet dancing as well — if that’s not catharsis, I don’t know what is.

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:: stream/purchase Sadye here ::
Stream: “Biblical” – Sadye

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Biblical - Sadye

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? © SJ Spreng

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