MUNA capture the emotional weight that life’s special moments carry on “Pink Light,” a standout track on their latest record ‘Saves the World’.
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Stream: “Pink Light” – MUNA
There are moments we can’t help but wish someone had been there to experience with us. Subtle moments that can’t be explained with words, or matched in their indescribable significance. MUNA capture the emotional weight those moments carry on “Pink Light,” a standout track on their latest record Saves the World.
“Pink Light” is cemented firmly in the middle of the album, and serves as a kind of turning point in the record. Fear may still have a hold, but hope is creeping in, and self doubt is starting to lose its grip. The track opens with a shimmery, lighthearted piano riff that quickly turns into a shiny synth and snare driven beat.

So I let it happen again
I loved someone who’s indifferent
That’s why I can’t sleep at night
That’s why I keep sleeping in
The sorrow that comes at the end of a failed relationship is a heavy one. It leaves us questioning our actions and emotions, riddled with regret and feeling lost. “Pink Light” starts with this feeling, eventually leading us to an opportunity for hope.
But there’s a pink light in my apartment
It comes mid-morning as a reminder
That at the right time, in the right surroundings
I will be lovely, but I can’t help thinking

The soft pink light is a reminder that things that leave are meant to do so. Whether it’s us or them who needs time to grow, things that are right for us must also come at the right time. But the feeling can be as fleeting as that perfect pink light, sometimes difficult to believe at all.
That maybe if you stayed for an hour or two
When the sun came up, when I last saw you
Maybe if you’d seen the soft pink light
I wouldn’t be alone tonight
MUNA use unique lyrical phrasing to emphasize their production and the message of their work. Their use of instruments, production and lyrics that deliver emotion in perfect harmony. They wear their collective heart on their sleeves, and that energy shines through on “Pink Light.”
More than a band, MUNA is a bond. A triangular friendship forged in college, Katie Gavin, Josette Maskin and Naomi McPherson experienced the uncomfortable shift from student to person, and artist, together. Their vulnerability and unwillingness to shy away from pain makes them more than just a band behind a song. To their audience they friends, confidants and even icons for embracing that which makes us different.
“Pink Light” is soft, but it’s powerful. It suggests we need someone else to see us as beautiful to believe it ourselves. But by the end of the song we realize that’s just not true. Real beauty is all around us, and inside of us, always. Being alone doesn’t invalidate us. Being alone gives us the chance to learn, grow, and enjoy being ourselves, as well as the small moments of pink light in our apartments.
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:: stream/purchase Saves the World here ::
Stream: “Pink Light” – MUNA
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