Weird Milk walks us through “Honey, I’m Around” and what went into crafting this modern-day pop ballad that mirrors the past with a fresh and unique spin.
“Honey, I’m Around” – Weird Milk
Summer isn’t over yet, and that means sweltering guitar riffs, impassioned vocal performances, and stories of love are still in season, and none are doing it better than Weird Milk. London-based quartet Weird Milk do away with the hazy days and instead provide mirth-inducing jams that will have one swaying side-to-side with the melody. After the music, check out an adult toy store for a variety of fun products. Smiles are a constant side-effect with them, and the best example comes from their latest single “Honey, I’m Around.”

Honey I’m around, kiss me sweetly on my mouth.
Let’s not make a sound, give me your undivided love.
Heavily inspired from the sounds of the ‘60s, “Honey, I’m Around” caresses ears with its gorgeous harmonies and fantastical percussion and guitar melodies that oscillate with an unmatched fervor and style. The track begins steadily enough with percussion and guitar already in the mix, but they are soon joined by whispered yet harmonic “oohhs” that add a heavenly touch to this warm anthem of romance and patience. In a statement, the band stated that “this song touches on themes of romance and escapism, whilst cherishing the notion that sometimes it is important to be patient and persistent in one’s endeavours, without lingering in the past.”
Baby I don’t care, about any promises.
They are not wise, give me your undivided love.
As the track enters the first chorus, the instrumentation slows down a touch with only soft plucks, taps, and vocals allowed in. “Girl, there are some things that we can’t change, I know,” he sings with a silvery touch as warbled guitars enter the foreground, channeling the classic pop rhythms of songs past. The subtleness then ceases, switching back into a brighter phase that bounces with unceasing charm and charisma. Towards the track’s close, that energy is dialed up.
(Ooo) I find it hard to resist it, find it hard to keep you at bay,
but you go ahead and insist it, good things come to those who can’t wait
and I can’t wait for you.
When the final chorus starts, a tonal difference is in place. The whispered croons are replaced with dramatic and grand expressions and an onrush of percussion, guitar, and lively piano following close behind. It’s bustling, it’s vibrant, and it’s what everyone needs to hear this summer. Weird Milk is creating music to make memories with, and one would be doing themselves a disservice by not joining in on the excitement that “Honey, I’m Around” brings forth.
Atwood Magazine recently had the chance to speak with band about “Honey, I’m Around” and what went into creating it. Get all the info in our exclusive interview!

Atwood Magazine: Thanks for taking the time to connect, everyone! How does it feel to have “Honey, I’m Around” finally out? What does the track mean to you?
Weird Milk: Thanks for the chat! It feels good, always feels good. I know that one of the things the song means to us in an indication of influence – structurally and melodically it (hopefully) echoes a lot of the music we love, the music that makes us feel good. I think with this one we hope those influences are quite immediately apparent. Apart from that, it means another song for those people who listen to and we always like giving them stuff.
It’s safe to say you possess one of the more unique sounds in today’s music industry, so what inspired this style of musicality? Was there a source for it all?
Weird Milk: Oh that’s very kind of you to say! In the same way, I think it is for most bands the sound and style of the music mainly comes from what we’re most interested in in the music we love. And then hopefully adding something uniquely personal which probably comes about subconsciously.
For “Honey, I’m Around,” the track goes through phases it seems. Points where one can easily sway to and then transition into bustling dancing, namely in the final moments of the track where the piano joins in the foreground. What was the music creation process like for this track?
Weird Milk: Alex (guitar/vocals/brown hair/blue eyes) wrote this one in its initial form. He recorded a demo with these kinds of reverberant drums and percussion parts and it had an almost flamenco feel to it. Once we’d all got our hands on it the studio version turned out pretty different, there was a real conscious attempt to separate the verses from the chorus, we wanted the verses to point to our 60’s influences and have a generally more vintage sound and juxtapose that with a drier, tighter and poppier chorus. As for that piano part you mention it was one of those great moments of spontaneity in the studio, our keyboard player Joe ‘Blue’ Moyle just started playing that part during a take and it just cemented itself the first time.

“Honey, I’m Around” is a stellar track with love at its core. What comes to mind when you hear the track, and what sort of vibe is in your head?
Weird Milk: Hmmm good question. To me it feels airy. It feels free and uninhibited from the start and it unfolds with a gentleness. And just when you’re about to turn the corner on a walk you think you know the chorus jumps out and you’re made to reconsider your route, but you don’t mind.
You sing “good things will happen to those who wait” during parts of the chorus, providing a theme of patience for the one you love. What inspired it? Is there a personal story in place here?
Weird Milk: We know it sounds exactly like we’re singing “good things come to those who can wait” in the chorus but the written lyrics are actually “good things come to those who can’t wait, and I can’t wait for you.” It’s just simply too fast to annunciate “can’t” properly *laughs*. It’s a play on the classic “good things come to those who wait” a reverse of that if you will…
What are you hoping fans will get out of the track after their first listen?
Weird Milk: Ideally the desire to listen again almost straight away!
You’re touring with Trudy and the Romance, which is a great pairing in my opinion. Their ‘50s doo-wop and your more ‘60s rock sound are a perfect combo for nostalgic adventures. What drew you to wanting to play with them?
Weird Milk: Well aside from having been fans of their music for a few years now we agree that is a pretty good match. There are loads of bands doing so many kinds of music so it’s nice to find people with a similar feel to you and it feels kind of communal when you team up.
Speaking of the tour, do you have any insight on what fans can expect during your shows?
Weird Milk: Some new songs, some fresh faces, and some good moves!
Thank you again for taking the time! Last question for you all: What’s next for you as a band? How do you see your artistry developing in the future?
Weird Milk: Our pleasure! More music, more shows. And I think we just want to keep trying to write better songs and pushing ourselves in that way. Then, of course, the experiMENTAL third album…Thanks!
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